These Nuts πŸ₯œ

Are driving me πŸ₯œ! Fun fact:
In each one of our cells should have a balance of βš–οΈ
3-omega 6 to 1 Omega 3 βš–οΈβš–οΈβš–οΈ Most people are wayyy out of balance and are too high in Omega 6. This is because our diets, or the Standard American diet is so high in oils and preservatives that contain Omega 6. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈWhats the big deal? Well, when we're so out of balance our body become in a proinflammatory state.
And imflammation studies have shown, is the root of all autoimmune diseases and most major diseases! πŸ€“πŸ€“If you’re anything like me you read ingredients. And if you don’t read ingredients then this video may encourage you to!

Worried About Viruses?

Do you love your Buttered or Bulletproof coffee in the AM?