Worried About Viruses?

There are many viruses that we get exposed to every day that can make us sick. The ever-growing worry over these invisible pathogens is not without cause. The worst concern right now COVID-19, or the coronavirus, as it is highly contagious and can attack the immune-system for days (sometimes weeks) without even showing any signs of sickness.

A simple way to ease the worry is by taking steps to improve our overall wellness through nutritional changes. Now, there’s no need to overhaul the entirety of our eating habits in a single day -- that’s too hard, and we won’t stick to it. But by starting to include some of these tasty, healthy superfoods to our diet, we can provide the immune support our bodies need to fend off any foreign invaders.

Let’s get started!

Image by Anaïs CROUZET from Pixabay

Image by Anaïs CROUZET from Pixabay

Start with Spirulina

This type of blue-green algae is not only high in protein, making it an excellent supplement for those on vegetarian diets, but research also suggests that Spirulina has antioxidant properties. Spirulina’s ability to reduce inflammation, and increase antioxidant levels aids in immune system regulation, helping to fight off several types of influenza virus strains.

Image by Silvia Stödter from Pixabay 

Image by Silvia Stödter from Pixabay

Next Up: Chlorella

Another type of algae, Chlorella, is full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help remove toxins from the body and boost the immune system. While often found with Spirulina, Chlorella also increases the healthy bacteria in the intestines and helps improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Image by LoggaWiggler from Pixabay 

Image by LoggaWiggler from Pixabay

Boost Your Vitamin C

One of the most vital super nutrients, Vitamin C, is needed not only for the immune system but for the healthy function and healing of the body in general. While supplements can provide a readily bioavailable form of Vitamin C called ascorbic acid, many foods can be included in our diets to up our Vitamin C: oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, strawberries, bell peppers, spinach, kale, and broccoli.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Don’t Forget Vitamin D

Most of us have been stuck indoors over the past months, without exposure to the most available form of this vitamin: The Sun! While foods like mushrooms, salmon, egg yolks, and tuna are rich in this immune-supporting nutrient, additional supplementation may be needed. Vitamin D is proving to play an essential role in reducing the severity of COVID-19 and in helping immune system responses overall. Check-in with your doctor or health practitioner for the right daily dosage to support your immune health function.

Image by RitaE from Pixabay 

Image by RitaE from Pixabay

Add the Powerful Sweet Touch of Elderberry

Packed with antioxidants and vitamins known to not only boost the immune system, but lessen the severity of sickness, elderberries also help reduce inflammation, ease stress, and protect the heart. This sweet supplement comes in a thick syrup, mouth spray, or a chewable form.

Image by Monfocus from Pixabay 

Image by Monfocus from Pixabay

Fill Up on Fish Oil 

There’s nothing fishy about the benefits of DHA and EPA-rich foods such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon. Research has determined that these fatty fish enhance the function of immune B cells with their rich Omega-3 profiles. But before supplementing with just any type of Fish Oil, make sure their extraction process is safe, ethical, and of the highest quality to receive the move benefits.

It really is as simple as incorporating a variety of superfoods into our daily diets to reduce our risk of virus attacks or catching a common cold. But as with any lifestyle adjustment, make sure to give your regular doctor a call before making any dramatic changes, especially if your taking medications.

Got the all-clear from the Doc but don’t know where to start? Consider teaming up with a certified nutritionist or health coach to find a personalized plan that is just right for you. By surrounding yourself with knowledgeable and supportive professionals, you can develop the best food, wellness, and lifestyle choices to ease the worry and get your health on the best path forward! 

Got questions or interested to learn more? Contact me at Nico@healthcoachnico.com to schedule a Free Consult.

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